Create a Charge to a Hotel Account


Aside from creating custom charges to the hotels in the account, you are also able to create custom charges to a hotel account without filling in the hotel code information.

This capability is available to users who have the Program Admin, Manager, or Finance role.


  1. Find the Manual Charge page.
    • In the left-hand, click on Billing
    • On the Billing page, click on the +Create in the top right of the screen
    • Select Manual Charge from the dropdown list
    • This will open the Create Charges overlay
  2. Choose the Charge Type.
    • Select the Charge Type from the dropdown.
    • Choose Custom
  3. Create a New Label.
    • From the search results, select an existing Label to be applied, or click on Create New to add the inputted text as a new label.
    • Click Next
  4. Download  the Template File
    • Click on Download to download the template file 
    • Click Next
  5. Fill in the Template File

    Please note the following validation rules:
    The file should be XLSX, or XLS format
    The file size is no more than 2MB or 2000 rows
    The title of the file should no more than 128 characters
    Start Date/End Date should be this format: 2023/9/31, 
    The end Date should be greater than, or equal Start Date
    Either Hotel Code or Account ID Must exist 
    Item Name can only contain a maximum of 128 characters (alphanumeric, space, underscore, "&", "-", "(", ")", ".", "%"), and must include a number/letter.
    Currency: Only accept (EUR, USD, GBP, JPY) ; 
    Currency should be the same in one hotel account
    to Currency should be acceptable by the Stripe account which the hotel account is linked to (for Accor, it will be EUR)
    Amount: The amount is a pure number. Range of EUR, USD, GBP: [0, or 0.5~999,999.99], up to 2 decimals, can accept 0 or 1 decimal; Range of JPY: [0, or 50~99,999,999], 0 decimal
  6. Upload the Completed Template (Error)

    • If errors are found during the upload, please Click on Download Report 
    • Review the Failed Processed Result column for details on errors
    • Update the template with corrections
    • Click on Try Again
  7. Upload the Completed Template (Successful)

    There is a maximum amount of 250 items per invoice, if we detect one invoice has more than this limit, the charges will automatically be split into multiple invoices.
    • Review the summary of invoices to be generated
      • Check the total amount of charges matches your expectations
      • Check the Invoice Items
      • Ensure Items are assigned to the correct Hotel Accounts
    • Click Create Charges
    • Click on Done on the process complete success message
  8. Review the Newly Created Invoices and Associated Details

    Invoices are created immediately in a Draft status upon completion;
    An automated process will run every two hours to submit these invoices to our finance system, and generate the associated invoice file and payment link;
    Once complete, the invoice status will be updated to “Open”;
    Hotel account users cannot see invoices in “Draft” state, and will only be notified via email once the invoice and payment links have been generated. 
  9. Ensure Full Payment

    When Hotel account users make payment transfers, please remember to cover any bank charges. If these charges aren’t included, the invoice might not be marked as ’Paid’. If that happens, you’ll get a friendly reminder email about the shortfall in about a month. To keep everything smooth and up-to-date, just make sure to include the bank charges in your total payment. Thanks for your attention to this!

Visual Guide

Check the Billing Report


All invoice information is recorded in the Report -> Billing Report section.


  1. Find the Billing Report Details.
    • Click Reports to check the report List.
    • Click Billing Report to check the billing report details.
  2. Sort and Download the Report
    • Click the Report Details - Column Name will sort the column, and click the Date Range to select the date.
    • Hover on each report row, and click the download icon so you can download your report.
  3. Schedule the Report
    • Hover on each report row, you can see the calendar icon,  and you can schedule the report on Daily/Weekly/Monthly. It will send the report to your HMP-registered email.
    • Click Enable, it will enable the schedule; 
    • Click Disable to pause the scheduled email.

Visual Guide

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team.