
The platform automatically generates invoices for events and activities managed within the system. However, you may need to create invoices for additional charges managed manually outside the system. In these instances, you can use the Create Charges function, available within the Billing section of the platform.

This capability is available to users who have the Program Admin or Finance role. To see what role you have, go to Settings > Members in the main nagivation menu.

How to Create Manual Charges


  1. Open the Create Charges process.
    • In the left-hand navigation menu, click on Billing
    • On the Billing page, click on the Create Charges in the top right of the screen.
    • This will open the Create Charges overlay.
  2. Define the Charge Label.
    • Select the Charge Type from the dropdown.
    • Type in the Charge Label to be applied
    • From the search results, select an existing Label to be applied, or click on Create New to add the inputted text as a new label
    • Click Next.
  3. Complete the charges template
    • Click on Download to download the template file.
    • Click Next.Fill in the template file in Excel, or a similar spreadsheet editor.
    • Upload the completed file.
    • Click Next.
  4. Review Charges & Confirm
    • Review the summary of invoices to be generated.
    • Check the total amount of charges matches your expectations.
    • Check the Invoice Items.
    • Ensure Items are assigned to the correct Hotels and Hotel Accounts.
    • Click Create Charges.

Invoices are created immediately in a Draft status upon completion
An automated process will run every two hours to submit these invoices to our finance system, and generate the associated invoice file and payment link.

Once complete, the invoice status will be updated to Open. Hotel users cannot see invoices in “Draft” state, and will only be notified via email once the invoice and payment links have been generated.

Visual Guide

Resolve Manual Charges Upload Errors

When uploading the completed Manual Charges templates, the system will validate the data to ensure there are no errors within the file. 

On upload, if any errors are found, you will be prompted to Download Report. The report is an amended template file, with an extra column appended, which describes and identifies the cause of the error to allow for easy resolution.

Once the error has been corrected, you can then re-upload the same file and continue with the process.  

Validation Rules

  • The file should be in XLSX or XLS format
  • The file size is no more than 2MB or 2000 rows
  • The title of the file should be no more than 128 characters
  • Start Date/End Date should be in this format: 2023/9/31,
  • The end Date should be greater than, or equal Start Date
  • Hotel Code Must exist in the current program account and has been assigned to a hotel account
  • Item Name can only contain a maximum of 128 characters (alphanumeric, space, underscore, "&", "-", "(", ")", ".", "%"), and must include a number/letter.
  • Currency: Only accept (EUR, USD, GBP, JPY) ;
  • Currency should be the same in one hotel account
  • Currency should be acceptable by the Stripe account to which the hotel account is linked (for Accor, it will be EUR)
  •  Amount: The amount is a pure number
  • Range of EUR, USD, GBP: [0, or 0.5~999,999.99], up to 2 decimals, can accept 0 or 1 decimal
  • Range of JPY: [0, or 50~99,999,999], 0 decimal.

What are Charge Types 

The Charge Type is a label that allows you to associate the invoices you create as being related to an existing event or activity in the system. Alternatively, you can define a custom label. 

This is particularly important for reporting purposes; as you will be able to group together invoices, and their status, related to the same charge source. 

There are 3 options to choose from:

  • Event - Link the charges to an existing event.
  • Activity - Link the charges to an existing activity.
  • Custom - Define a custom label. Once created, you can reuse this label for charges in the future.

How to Create an Invoice

If there has been an error identified with the Invoice, you are able to Void the invoice

Once an invoice has been voided, it cannot be reset to Open. If there are outstanding charges to be paid as a result, a new Invoice will need to be created using the Create Charges workflow.

Only users with the Program Admin and Finance roles can void an invoice.

How to Void the Invoice


If there has been an error identified with the Invoice, you are able to Void the invoice.

  • Only users with the Program Admin and Finance roles can void an invoice
  • Only invoices with an Open or Overdue status invoice can be voided

Once an invoice has been voided, it cannot be reset to Open. If there are outstanding charges to be paid as a result, a new Invoice will need to be created using the Create Charges workflow.


  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click on Billing
  2. Hover over the Status of the invoice you want to cancel.
  3. Click on the [X] next to the Status.
  4. Click on Confirm.

The Invoice will be moved to the Closed tab.
The Status will be updated to Void.
The Hotel will no longer be able to pay for this invoice

We hope the above information can help you manage your invoice smoothly. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team.

Next User Guide will explain how to use HMP to update your billing: Update the Billing Profile.